Erik Compton, a Florida golfer who underwent two heart transplants, exemplifies the life-changing impact of organ donation. Despite his health challenges, he thrived in golf and received the Ben Hogan Award in 2009. In contrast, India faces a critical organ shortage, with many succumbing to organ failure due to a lack of a robust donation program. While Indians inherently harbor an altruistic spirit, there is an urgent need to raise awareness about organ donation. A single donor can save multiple lives by donating vital organs and tissues. With India’s high rate of road accident fatalities and low organ donation rates, it is imperative to turn the tide. As individuals, let’s pledge to donate, encourage others, and transform lives.
As Mahatma Gandhi said ‘be the change we want to see’. Let us lead from the front and encourage our friends and colleagues to do the same. The next time we tee off and walk towards the ball, let us spare a thought for the thousands who need an organ in order to survive.
Let us chip away at organ donation and help others to live. Let us make the eagle of organ donation soar higher and higher. Let us help this birdie fly. In the game of life, let us give them a mulligan.
MOHAN Foundation has been at the forefront of groundbreaking efforts in the realm of organ donation for nearly three decades. The profound impact they have made has been instrumental in transforming and saving countless lives. Read More…